It is not only fun, it is, besides cycling and walking, the most environmentally friendly way of moving. Because the electric scooters are operated with electricity from renewable energy sources, they are an important contribution to the air quality in the city. Whoever books an e-scooter knows that he/she does not contribute to air pollution, but rather to an improvement in the situation.
Stella-sharing is part of Stadtwerke Stuttgart (Stuttgart's municipal utility): In order to contribute to the ecological, flexible and affordable e-mobility in Stuttgart, Stella-sharing has started in 2016 with 15 sharing scooters. In the meantime, Stella-sharing is making an important contribution to mobility in Stuttgart with 200 electric scooters. "Of course, the e-scooters run on our eco-stream and in this way we also slightly reduce the negative consequences of car traffic", says Olaf Kieser, Director of Stadtwerke Stuttgart. For the season of 2017, emco, together with Stadtwerke Stuttgart and the Stella users, has further developed its own e-scooter model, which is particularly suitable for the sharing-concept in Stuttgart.
TRIGO is responsible for maintenance, repair and changing batteries if there is not enough ecopower left in "the tank".
To be able to rent the e-scooters, users only need to download the Stella app, where they have to enter their driving license or credit card details only once. Users can also register with Stadtwerke Stuttgart's customer service or register via the Stella-sharing website. Those who want to book a ride can easily find the nearest available e-scooter on the Stella-app's interactive map. After use, you can park the e-scooter anywhere in the "home area".